
Give Today

Your faithful giving changes lives, locally and around the world.

Donation Information

Spirit ArtVentures is spiritual non-profit and is largely run on donations and subscriptions. We have a passion to produce great quality products to help the world learn about God in creative ways. Any funds donated to Spirit ArtVentures are handled in an honorable way and used for the operating expenses to develop, produce, and create courses, art and other learning material.

If you wish to use a check, they can be mailed to … and made out to Spirit ArtVentures.


We offer online giving options for Tithes, Offerings and Missions. Scroll bellow to give online.

Offline Donations

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps: Write a check payable to “Hana Bender” On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for “Spirit ArtVentures” Mail your check to: Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Direct Bank Transfer

To make a direct bank transfer donation toward this cause, please contact us for our account name and numbers.